Front of House Innovation: Transforming the Customer Experience

landscape for front of house ideas

The Front Yard Oasis: Ideas for a Stunning Curb Appeal

Your front yard is the first impression visitors have of your home. A well-landscaped front yard can create a welcoming and inviting atmosphere, while a neglected one can make your home look unkempt and uninviting. If you're looking to give your front yard a makeover, here are a few ideas to get you started:

Choose Plants That Bloom at Different Times of Year

One of the best ways to create a stunning front yard is to choose plants that bloom at different times of year. This will ensure that your yard always has something in bloom, from early spring to late fall. Some popular flowering plants that are suitable for front yards include azaleas, camellias, hydrangeas, and roses.

Add Some Trees

Trees are a great way to add height and interest to your front yard. They can also provide shade, privacy, and wind protection. When choosing trees for your front yard, be sure to consider their size and shape. You'll also want to make sure that the trees are compatible with your climate.

Incorporate Hardscaping

Hardscaping refers to the non-plant elements of your landscape, such as patios, walkways, and retaining walls. Hardscaping can help to define your outdoor spaces and create a more cohesive look. It can also make your yard more functional and enjoyable.

Create a Focal Point

Every front yard needs a focal point. This could be a fountain, a statue, a piece of art, or even a simple grouping of plants. A focal point will help to draw attention to your yard and create a sense of balance.

Don't Forget About Lighting

Lighting is essential for creating a safe and inviting front yard. It can also be used to highlight your landscape and create a dramatic effect. Be sure to use a variety of lighting fixtures to create the desired effect.

By following these ideas, you can create a front yard that is both beautiful and functional. A well-landscaped front yard will add value to your home and make it a more enjoyable place to live.

Landscape for Front of House Ideas

When it comes to landscaping, the front of your house is your chance to make a great first impression. A well-landscaped front yard can add curb appeal, increase your property value, and create a welcoming space for you and your guests. But with so many different options to choose from, it can be tough to know where to start. That's why we've put together this guide to help you create a beautiful and functional landscape for the front of your house.

Choosing the Right Plants

The first step in landscaping your front yard is choosing the right plants. When selecting plants, it's important to consider the climate in your area, the amount of sunlight your yard receives, and the size and shape of your space. You'll also want to choose plants that are low-maintenance and easy to care for.

Low-maintenance shrubs for front of house

Some popular low-maintenance plants for the front of the house include shrubs, perennials, and groundcovers. Shrubs are typically evergreen, which means they will retain their leaves throughout the year. Perennials are plants that come back year after year, and groundcovers are low-growing plants that can help to prevent weeds from growing.

Creating a Focal Point

Once you've chosen your plants, it's time to create a focal point for your landscape. A focal point is something that draws the eye and creates a sense of interest. It can be a tree, a statue, a water feature, or even a group of plants. By creating a focal point, you'll give your landscape a sense of purpose and direction.

Focal point for front of house landscape

When choosing a focal point, it's important to consider the size and shape of your yard. If you have a small yard, you'll want to choose a focal point that is relatively small and subtle.

Video 33 Low-Maintenance Landscaping Ideas for Front House - DecoNatic